Sunday 7 August 2011

Pro-nuclear arguments

Nuclear is a clear energy alternative to fossil fuel
Nuclear energy is vital following the increase in the world fuel price and our limited oil reserve. It is the source of 17% of the world electricity need and is witnessing a resurgence as country after country decides to go nuclear. This resurgence is driven not just by the continuing development in many parts of the world, but dwindling resource of fossil fuels, limitations of hydro electric resources, environmental concerns (sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, green house gases from burning of fossil fuel) and the under capacity of alternatives (solar, wind and biofuel) to supply the bulk of industrial need.
Nuclear is safe!
The nuclear industry has an excellent safety record, with some 12,000 reactor operating for years spanning five decades with minimal risk of accidents. Since Chernobyl, nuclear facility management and technology has progressed by leaps and bounds. The Chernobyl disaster was basically irrelevant to any western reactor, or any that might be built today.
Nuclear helps to offset carbon emissions
Currently nuclear energy saves the emission of 2.5 billion tonnes of CO2 relative to coal. For every 22 tonnes of uranium used, one million tonnes of CO2 emissions is averted. Doubling the world's nuclear output would reduce CO2 emissions from power generation by about one quarter.
Nuclear is a technology driver for many developing countries
Nuclear technology has been the driver of high technology growth in the economy (Korea, Japan, China). This cascade effect will also unleash high technology industrial development for Malaysia. The Malaysian Nuclear Agency has been operating for more than three decades and accumulated a wealth of technical capabilities and experience. Going nuclear will help Malaysia achieve high income nation status.

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